Family Medicine & Obstetrics
Ozarks Family Care
Your Personal Information
Ozarks Family Care values your privacy. We follow all HIPAA guidelines and regulations. To access your medical record, please download the Medical Records Request form. Please fill it in completely and you either may bring it with you, mail or fax back to our office at 417.255.8649. Federal law requires you complete the authorization form before we can fulfill your request. When a request is made the office will accumulate the copies and inform the patient of the charges. HIPAA Policy Records Release
Patient Registration
Patients are required to provide certain information during registration in order for our office to provide treatment and bill insurance for our services. Upon arrival at our office, please have insurance cards and copayments available. New patients may print and complete registration forms prior to scheduled appointments by clicking on the forms Signature on File Information sheet HIPAA Policy
As a courtesy, we request cancellations 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment.